Flow Management
The water parameters are monitored in real-time in minute intervals. If the water parameters exceed the norms, the water is rediverted to the sewage and another source water is directed to the intake point on the condition that it meets the requirements. At this stage, the intelligent algorithms are also used to ensure that to the intake point firstly is directed the water that is the least important form the user’s point of view. For instance, in the case of the retention and recirculation systems, when the norms are exceeded on the grey water, the rainwater is used.
The pipe water is used only when all other sources of water do not meet the demands. At the same time the system is very user friendly as it is possible to deactivate all or some parameters, on the condition that it does not breach the safety of usage.
Analiza parametrów odbywa się na bieżąco w interwałach minutowych. W przypadku przekroczenia norm woda przesterowana jest do kanalizacji, a do punktu czerpalnego kierowana jest woda z innego obiegu, której parametry są odpowiednie. Na tym etapie sterowanie jest również wzbogacone o inteligentne algorytmy zarządzające, które umożliwiają wykorzystanie w pierwszej kolejności wody, która jest mniej istotna dla użytkownika. Na przykład w przypadku wieloobiegowych systemów retencji i recyrkulacji przekroczenie norm na wodzie szarej skutkuje tym, że system do punktów czerpalnych najpierw kieruje uzdatnioną wodę opadową. Woda wodociągowa wykorzystywana jest jedynie w przypadku przekroczenia norm na obu wodach. Ustawienie systemowe pozwalają również na czasowe lub stałe wyłączenie kontroli poszczególnych parametrów, co czyni system bardziej elastyczny dla użytkownika.
Intelligent flow management is important as far as the quality of water is concerned. It also improves the efficiency of the systems as it ensures the rational water consumption due to the control of the technical parameters. For example, if the pressure decreases or the water volume is low, the system directs to the intake point the water that meets also the technical norms
Management of Water in a Tank
The water level is also monitored in real-time. Depending on the technical demands of the system, predicted rainfalls or inflows, the controlled water discharges can be initiated or the water can be redirected to a different tanks. In the case of the retention and recirculation systems the overfilling of the rainwater tank results in pumping excusive water to the grey water tank. In result the energy needed for the expensive grey water filtration is saved and the capacity of a tank is used to its full extent. The systems can also manage the level of water in the tank on the basis of weather predictions which are uploaded on the regular basis.
Management of Water Treatment Processes
Intelligent water management also contributes to the optimization of water filtration. The treatment methods and processes are more efficient due to linking them to technical and quality water parameters.
TThe main technological advantages of AquaSmart water filtration systems:
- The back-washing and forward-washing of the membranes is initiated on the basis of technical sensors’ readings. The pressure gradient indicates that the membrane is blocked and the procedures must be implemented
- The length of ozonation depends on the water temperature and the volume of water in a tank. It also is indirectly linked to the DO level which indicates the microbiological contamination.
- The UV sterilization is initiated in advanced on the basis of the flow sensors reading, which ensures the electricity saving and prolongs the durability of devices as they do not work when the water is not used.
- The most energy-consuming treatment processes are launched when the conditions for renewable energy production are optimal.